Positano, Italy

Positano, Italy

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Sprain, snow, and espressos

View from my balcony
One of my goals while traveling was to keep a blog. Not so much for the narcissistic purposes of “I think it’s pretty cool what I’m doing, don’t you?” - but moreover due to my terrible memory and the easiness of having one forum to keep friends and family updated than having to write twenty five identical emails.

Unfortunately, actually updating a blog (particularly in third world countries) proved more tedious than anticipated, and thus my blogging ambitions were pretty much relegated to scribbling notes down in my notebook.  I now have about twenty half completed entries that I never finished or posted, and a moleskin filled with musings like “Bali - monkey temple. Nearly crashed my motorbike. Saw Elephant Cave. Drank shit (literally) coffee. Eco tour bike ride.”
The plan was always to actually sit down and turn these notes into actual entries so I’d remember what I had done. But there was always something to see, or something more fun to do than sit at a computer. I kept saying I just needed a rainy day to sit down and basically be forced to do it. Well, instead of a rainy day I got a sprained ankle (not even a good story - I stepped off a curb wrong and down I went) and a snow day. And now that I’ve finally learned how to work the espresso machine in my apt, what better to do than get high off of caffeine and finish my half written entries and organize my photos?

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